Monday, May 23, 2005

cat- vs dog- words

Where I live there is a stupid commercial advertisement on tv about a hardware store that puts out a dogalogue (not a catalogue) with two silly 3D clay animated dogs.

This made me think about some other words which start with cat- and are very negative words. Like:

  • cataclysm - violent event, political or social upheaval;
  • catacomb - subterranean cemetary (not a comb to brush us cats, alas);
  • catastrophe - sudden or widespread or noteworthy disaster;
  • cataplexy - sudden temporary paralysis due to fright.

I think us cats should start a campaign and write to dictionary companies like Oxford, Mirriam Webster and Macquarie (the Australian one) to change these words to prefix with dog-. The replacement words would be:

  • dogaclysm - but it sounds like a case of worms, hee hee hee;
  • dogacomb - now it sounds like a flea comb for mutts;
  • dogastrophe - sounds more like a doggy bowel condition;
  • dogaplexy - sounds like a confused stupid mutt!


Monday meant that I was home alone again during the day, sigh... However, this morning I did get a treat, some ham and a nibble of vegemite on toast.

Monday also means Desperate Housewives and I get a nice long brushing of my fur.


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