Friday, May 20, 2005

Muezza the cat

According to the Hadith, which is an official collection of the sayings of Islam's great Prophet, Mohammed, he is said to have condemned the practice of selling cats and spoke of a vision in which he saw a woman being attacked and disfigured by her cat in hell after she starved her cat to death.

"You neither fed it nor watered when you locked it up," God told her, "nor did you set it free to eat the insects of the earth."

I'm not sure about her cat being called it though .

Mohammed's favourite cat was called Muezza. She was curled up one day on his robe sleeve when the call to prayer was sounded. Mohammed had to leave, but instead of waking Muezza, he cut off his sleeve and sneaked out quietly. When he returned, Muezza woke and bowed to him in thanks. In return, Muezza was guaranteed a place in heaven.

I make no judgement about the Islam religion and will never hope to understand all the problems caused by religion or the interpretation of religion. But it is nice for cats to be recognised in such a way.


I caught lots of sunrays today, and managed to grab some lap time on my human who was in and out today. Merlin's human Kim also dropped by but did not stay as usual for dinner, but I did get some lap time with her.

Tonight I also had a great time with my human watching the season finale of Battlestar Galactica which he had taped on Wednesday night (it is on too late for him to stay up and watch). Talk about cliffhanger. Will the humans of the twelve worlds of Kobol ever find Earth? Why do they not have any cats?


Blogger Unknown said...

wow...heard trhis first time..."Muezza", was it a tabby??

@ writer...if u read and understand other ahadith and verses of quran u may , in the end, have a positive mind abt islam.:)

Friday, 10 August, 2007  

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