Tuesday, July 25, 2006

phoning the washing machine

Internet fridges are pretty lame. Are they supposed to encourage people to spend more time in the kitchen?

It seems that it won't be the only appliance to be wired. Soon, washing machines and dryers will phone people to tell them the laundry is done.

That is even more lame than the internet fridge. You'd think people would be familiar with the timing of their machine's wash or dry cycle. And if they use a laundromat, they'd find out.

See - USA Today of 23 July 2006

*As always, please check out Cooper and Camilla who always have interesting things to say.


It was cold and wet again today and I spent most of the day napping on my day bed in my day bedroom.

My human came home after work with Malgosia who stayed for a quick cup of tea (she had to go home to feed Jack the dog). I didn't lie on her lap as it was near my dinner time and I just had a quick chat to her.

Tonight, my human and I are watching Transamerica.



Blogger KJ's muse said...

Did you like the movie? We put a hold on it at the library.

Friday, 28 July, 2006  
Blogger Keiser said...

It is a wonderful movie, thanks to Blockbuster's $2 Tuesday.

She should have won the Oscar!

Friday, 28 July, 2006  

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