Saturday, September 10, 2005

where is the pied piper?

According to the Polish newspaper Gazeta Poznanska, German programs to sterilise cats (both domestic and strays) have resulted in less cats and a growing rodent problem there.

In nearby Poland, particularly in the neighbouring city of Poznan and others near the German border, cat-catchers are trapping strays to sell in Germany where they get 40 euros per cat to help alleviate the rodent problem.

I guess this is a less risky solution than asking for the Pied Piper (of Hamelin).

And, it makes some of the Germans realise just how important we cats are in the environmental balance (though some of us prefer to live indoors and not have to catch our own food).

*As always, please check out Cooper and Camilla who always have interesting things to say.


Today we had a visitor in the morning, the cat-less (at the moment) Sue. However, she is temporarily caring for a dog and a cat, and a cow, and some ducks out on a farm nearby, so she is good sniffing material!

Anyway, she came over and my human made a type of Nicoise salad for lunch with iceberg lettuce, baby endive, cold blanched beans, grape tomatoes, cold poached salmon cutlet, hard boiled eggs with parmesan and salad dressing (just good olive oil and balsamic vinegar).

It was fun as I got to sit on her lap, until she had to leave in the afternoon.

I had a good afternoon nap on the couch with my human - a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

I've been eating good food today - aside from some tinned tuna for breakfast this morning, I also had a slice of ham. Later on, I was given some cold sliced steak (from the humans' dinner last night), and bits of cooked salmon. Mmmm, all my favourites.


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