Monday, July 25, 2005

Puerto Rico - is it a country?

In 1898, on 25 July, Puerto Rico (then a Spanish colony) was invaded by the United States at Guánica. Spain ceded Puerto Rico to the US under the Treaty of Paris on 10 December which ended the Spanish-American War.

Today, Puerto Rico is a dependent territory of the US. They have their own flag and team at the Olympic Games. Puerto Ricans are, however, US citizens meaning that they travel on US passports. They are Americans.

They don't have full representation in the US Congress (by Luis Fortuño) who does not have voting rights. Puerto Ricans also are not counted in the US census. Puerto Ricans on the island don't pay federal income tax, but they do pay other federal taxes.

Wasn't there something about tea being dumped in Boston and a slogan "no taxation without representation"?

*Please visit Cooper and Camilla who are good at finding out about things and sharing it with us.


My human stayed home with me today. It was wonderful. He was all dressed and ready to go to work with his lunch in his bag, but decided his headache wouldn't make him very productive at work, so he phoned work instead. Hooray for me! We napped together, then he read more Harry Potter to me, and napped, and more HP etc.

I had cooked chicken for dinner, but I would rather have a steak!


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