Thursday, June 30, 2005

cat goddess

On 27 May, I wrote about Catwoman, who is a comic character. Catwoman is depicted as human, and not as a human with the head of a cat like the Egyptian goddess Bastet.

The goddess Bastet was the daughter of the sun god Ra (or Re). She was the goddess of fire, cats (natürlich), of the home und pregnant women.

You can read more about Bastet from Ancient Egypt: the Mythology.

Cats were sacred animals in ancient Egypt. We should continue to be revered.

*Thank you for all the treats. Thank you Scooter for my third Rosette, you are very kind.


I did the same thing again today. Guess what it was? Yep, I napped on the couch to the radio. I think my human should change the station soon, to ABC Radio National, so I can listen to some intellectual topics and discussions for a change.

My human came home tonight soaked as he walked home in the rain. What a silly human! I meowed, "look what the cat dragged in?" Seriously, what if he caught pnmeownomia and died? Who then would feed me and cuddle me to keep me warm?


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