Monday, May 09, 2005

Pussy willow

The Pussy Willow is a small tree whose scientific name is Salix discolor and part of the Salicaceae (Willow) family.

You can read more about that here.

How this tree got its name is even more interesting.

It comes from a Polish legend. One day, in early spring a mother cat and her kittens explored the forest along the river. A butterfly flew past them over the water. The kittens leaped into the air to try to catch the butterfly, but fell into the fast flowing river.

The mother cat cried while her young kittens struggled to swim ashore fearing that her kittens soon would drown.

Along the bank of the river grew a wise willow with branches bending all the way to the water. The willow saw the kittens and reached down to the kittens.

Each kitten grabbed a branch and were pulled to shore by the willow. The willow was honoured for its rescue by the tiny fur-like buds (catkins) that sprout each spring as the rivers start to run.


This morning I sat up on the window ledge near my dining chair and looked out and watched my human walk to work. I kept a look out for "Walter" the cat but he was nowhere to be seen.

After I had some of my dinner tonight, I played ping pong ball with my human. I think cats are smarter than people sometimes. I sat in one spot and he threw the ball at me and I batted it with my paws. He was just like a dog fetching the ball for me! Woof!


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