Tuesday, March 29, 2005


The word copycat (also rendered as copy-cat or copy cat) is used to refer to someone who duplicates or copies the actions of another.

It is most often used in association with criminal activity, as in copycat crime (for example, copycat arsonist) where a particular notorious crime inspires another to repeat the modus operandi.

In other words, plagiarism of criminality!

Some think that the word copycat came from the observation of kittens imitating their mother, like learning to use the litter tray for example.

Personally, I don't think us cats should be tarnished with such a negative word. Dogs learn by copying. They even do as they are told by humans! Sit! Come! Beg! We have our own minds.

They should think about using the word copydog when talking about plagiarising criminals!


The long weekend was too good to be true! This morning I was feeling very playful and tried to get my human to chase after me, but instead he made me sit on the couch before he went to work. I miss Fatty very much. We used to play chasey all the time in the mornings. I did get some ham this morning though.

As our clocks went back on Sunday, it was almost dark by the time my human got home (compared to last week). At least he gave me steak for dinner. I must have been a real good cat!



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