Sunday, September 18, 2005


A little while ago, I wrote about catfish after I was surprised to discover that they had nothing to do with cats and were not mercats (like mermaids).

Well, I was equally surprised to discover that catbirds are also nothing to do with cats, though the thought did cross my feline mind of a cat with wings. What a hoot - a flying cat could go and tease those mutts, especially the big ones like great danes.

No, catbirds are actually birds.

There is the Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) which is also called the Slate-colored Mockingbird. This bird has a song which sounds like a meow. They also imitate calls of jays, kingfishers, swallows, grosbeaks, and other songbirds. It is native to North America.

There is also the Green Catbird (Ailuroedus crassirostris) which also sounds like a cat meowing. This bird is native to Australia. If you visit the link, you can actually hear a recording of the birdcall. I listened to it and it almost made me jump, as it really sounded like a nasty cat.

*As always, please check out Cooper and Camilla who always have interesting things to say.

**Catster has been really slow and sluggish today. Has that been the same for everyone else?


I had a lovely day again today. Like yesterday, I went outside to chew some grass while my human hung out more laundry (big things like towels and sheets).

I meowed and meowed and sat on the arm of the couch to try and get my human to sit there so I could sleep on his lap, but he told me he had things to do ("like what", I answered, "you vacuumed yesterday", but he might not have translated my cat-talk fast enough). While I napped on the couch alone, he did put on The Cat Empire for me to listen to.

Anyway, after he did whatever it was he had to do, he finally let me convince him to lay on the couch and we had a nice afternoon nap together until he got up and pottered in the kitchen.

Later on, Jimmy and Lily's humans came to visit, where they had a roast lamb dinner. Thankfully, I smelt this meat cooking and refused my chicken wing, so eventually, I did get lamb for dinner. Oh, my favourite!


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