Friday, August 05, 2005

still waiting for Godot...

The Theatre Royal in Bath*, UK is putting on its 50th anniversary production of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot.

After 50 years, you'd think this Godot would show up by now. It is quite bad manners for him to make Vladimir and Estragon wait all this time.

This is the famous ending:
Vladimir: Well, shall we go?
Estragon: Yes, let's go.
They do not move.

Here is my proposed one scene sequel:
Vladimir: At last, he shows.
Estragon: Who?
Vladimir: Godot, of course.
Godot appears
Godot: Sorry I'm late.
Vladimir: But...
Godot: Let's go.
They leave.

Of course, that might change the existentialist nature of the play.

Waiting for Godot

*My human told me that Bath is a very enchanting place and one of his favourites.

** Please visit Cooper and Camilla who are good at finding out about things and sharing it with us.


Today was a glorious sunny day and I managed to go outside for a few minutes while the washing was being hung out. I spied the front gate and intended to check it out, but was 'herded' back to the door. Hmmph...

I had some lap time today. It was great.


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